Self-awareness is about the ability to monitor yourself... from moment to moment.

I can't tell you how much time I've spent answering the question, "What skills do my people need?" 

"If you only have the budget to train ONE skill, train them the 'self-awareness skill", I always answered. 

If your self-awareness skills are sharp, you can recognize yourself from moment to moment, what you think, feel, and do. 

You may think that it is easy! Unfortunately, it's much more complicated than we think – starting with the fact that we believe our self-awareness skills are stronger than they are. 

Studies prove that 90% of people believe they are self-aware, but only 10-15% actually are.

Let's experiment if you like, on your phone, set an alarm at a random time, say 11am or 3pm today or tomorrow, then you go on to do your things and forget about it. 

When the alarm rings, all you need to do is to check in with yourself:  

  • Do you know what you are doing at this moment? 

  • Could you name how you are feeling at this moment? 

  • What led you to this moment?

  • What's the impact of doing what you are doing at this moment?

If you can answer all these three questions, particularly the last one, give yourself a pad on the shoulder. 

However, the ability to monitor yourself is one of the most important traits you can have as a leader, particularly your emotions and reactions from moment to moment. Without self-awareness, high-achieving leaders can appear arrogant. How can you lead a company if you cannot be personable or know when you are crossing a line?

If you only got the budget to train ONE skill, train 'self-awareness skill!

  • Be present, and notice what you're doing at any given moment.

  • Be present; notice how you're feeling at any given moment.

  • Be aware of your emotional triggers.

  • Know your strengths and shortcomings in context, the benefits of applying it fully, and the possible shadows that come with it.

  • Recognize your impact on your surroundings

  • Be crystal clear about the intention and purpose that came with the decisions you made

So, are you training your people with the right, fundamental skills so that others skills can build on them? 


Prepare yourself to have difficult conversations, but NEVER avoid them! 


Pro-burnout Body