Your business can't grow if you aren't willing to grow with it!

as a small business owner, you are so busy running the organization that you often forget about yourself! Keeping a company up and running and profitable is a huge task, and it certainly requires a lot of attention and dedication.

However, NOT paying attention to your personal growth is guaranteed to hurdle the growth of your business. 
Repeatedly, I witnessed the fall and struggle of the business due to the poor yet unidentified habits of the leaders. 

  • Do you tend to hire for cost over quality?

  • Do you tend to fire off "poor performer" after probation?

  • Do you tend to get exploded when things didn't go your way?

  • Do you constantly say " Let me explain why that won't work'? ...

Everyone has some bad habits. But your bad business habits can seriously affect your professional goals and even the profitability of a business.

When bad business habits become a sticking point it’s time to roll up those sleeves and fix them. Because when you don’t nip them in the bud, bad business habits become all-too-common money leaks. 

Do you know that: 

  • the overall cost (direct and indirect) to recruit a position with a salary of AUD60k-100k p.a is 3 times of the annual salary.

How many hiring and firing you are doing every year?

  • a business with 50 employees will spend roughly 17 hours weekly, or $500k per year, clarifying misunderstood communications.

How often do you have to explain why you do what you do the way you do and function as a firefighter?

If you started your business from scratch, very likely, the growth you have to invest in personally is your ability to identify your strengths and weakness, habits and patterns that yield you the success or hold you back. 

Be honest with yourself!

When you actually invest in improving yourself as a leader, you became a role model for your team.
Whether it be an investment of time, money, educational pursuits, mental/physical well-being, or making some sort of effort to change your day-to-day practices, it is important that your team understands how to get themselves on the path to growth, by following you. 

All in all, your ability to upgrade yourself constantly determines the growth of your business!


YOU are Your Culture!


Value-Based Hiring