Value-Based Hiring

Can you hire WITHOUT looking at the Resume? 

Leaders tend to believe that the 'achievements' listed on the Resume guarantees a star performer in the team; yet, nearly 9 out of 10, leaders would end up regrated.    


You mistakenly believed that people who achieved tremendous things in their previous role means they can also achieve significantly in your company. 

Resumes are at best, self-reported descriptions of historical events — they are merely self-reported narrative descriptions of the candidates' work in the past at other companies. How much can it predict the candidate will act in this job and at your company when he/she is faced with your company's current and future problems?

One way to discover whether the candidates have the qualities you seek or will perform to your expectations is to adopt Value-based Hiring, which prioritizes specific values, beliefs, and aspirations when attracting, hiring individuals. 

Values are typically the guiding principles for individual's behaviours. Core Values are usually the authentic motivations that matter to and motivate people to make big or small choices in various situations, which ONLY  demonstrated from the work, the action, NOT the words.  

Implementing a Values-based Hiring process isn’t as easy as just saying certain beliefs are important to your company!

It is quite necessary to map out what beliefs and standards are important to your business and clarify the assumptions. 

So, make a list of your most important values and characteristics according to Barrett Model could be a good start.  Do you know, there are more than 2000 values in the database that are widely adopted by the business?   


Then write down a few ways these characteristics might translate into an employee’s day-to-day activities.

Keep building upon your list until you’re confident in the values you’ve established. This will act as the foundation for your Values-based Hiring strategy.


Your business can't grow if you aren't willing to grow with it!


Do the WORK